How to do “Manifestações de Interesse”?

How to do “Manifestações de Interesse”?
How to do “Manifestações de Interesse”?

First of all, let's talk about “Manifestações de Interesse”. Well, “Manifestações de Interesse” is a kind of communication between SEF and us. If we are immigrants and we are going to apply for Residence Permit or Residence Visa, we have to do Manifestações de Interesse. Apparently, you can do it ourselves when we have all the required and valid documents with us.

Enough talk, let's talk about the process.

It is very important to do Manifestações de Interesse correctly. We have to choose our way of submission of interest in the SEF Portal.

The Step-By-Step instructions are as follows.

First of all, you have to open an internet browser and search "SEF Portugal" as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to click on the first link as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to click on "Portal SAPA" as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to Click on “Registo” as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to type your "e-mail address". In turn, you have to type a Password for the SEF portal and re-type the password again to confirm it as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

The confirmation of registration will appear as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to open your e-mail and verify that you have received a mail from SEF as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to click on "this link" to confirm as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

The confirmation message will be shown as shown in the picture below.
Next, you need to click on "aqui" where it says
"Obrigado Por Ter Confirmado O Seu Registo. Click Here Para Se Authenticar".

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to type your e-mail address in the “E-mail” section and Password in the “Palavra-passe” section. In turn, you have to verify that you are not a robot. After that, you have to click on “Authenticar” as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to click on "Manifestações de Interesse" on the top as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to select one of three options and click on the green arrow icon as shown in the picture below.
If you have a contract of employment proven by union, you can select the first option where it says "Possui um contrato de trabalho ou tem uma relação laboral corprovada por sindicato, por associação com assento no Conselho Consultivo ou pela Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho ".

If you have promise employment under the law, you can select the second option where it says "Possui uma promessa de contrato de trabalho nos termos da lei"

If you own a business or you are working in Green Receipts, you can select the third option where it says "Constituíu sociedade nos termos da lei, declarado o inicio de actividad junto da administración fiscal e da segurança social como pessoa singular ou tenha celebrado um service contract for the exercise of a liberal profession”.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to fill up your personal information correctly. After you fill up everything correctly, you have to go to the next page as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you need to click on "Enviar" as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

Next, you have to upload your valid documents. The documents should be visible and clear to read.

Manifestações de Interesse

The following documents are necessary when you do "Manifestações de Interesse".

1. Passport or other valid travel document (Valid Passport)
2. Comprovativo de entrada regular em territorio português (Travel Documents that prove you entered Portugal legally such as Boarding Pass, Ticket, and Legal Entry).
3. Comprovativo de meios de subistência, tal como definidos pela portaria 1563/2007 (It can be Salary Sheet from the Company where you work)
4. Certificado de registo criminal do pais de origem (Police clearance from your country)
5. Certificado de registo criminal do pais em que resida há mais de um ano, quando não seja Portugal (Police clearance from the country where you lived for one or more than one year)
6. Documento corprovativo que disponible de alojamento (It can be Proof of your Home Address)
7. Document proof of registration and regularized situation in Social Security, except in the case of promise of employment contract (Social Security)
8. Comprovativo de inscrição na Administração Fiscal (Finance)

9. Contract of work or document issued nos termos da al. a) do nº 2 do artº 88º da Lei 23/2007 de 04 de Julho (Work Contract)
10. Promesa de contrato de trabalho celebrated nos termos da Lei (Work Promise)

All of the documents should be in the Portuguese language.
The foreign documents should be translated to Portuguese and attested from Foreign Affairs.

Manifestações de Interesse

Before you do anything further, it is very important to check all of your information.
Finally, you can check the box where it says "Confirmação: Declaro ter lido e comprendeado o texto que se segue" and hit "Enviar" as shown in the picture below.

Manifestações de Interesse

This is the way how you submit the applications to SEF.

Once you submit "Manifestação de Interesse" to SEF, you have to wait until you receive a notification in your e-mail that you can book an appointment to SEF. You have to prepare all the required and relevant documents before you visit SEF. You can check what are the documents that need to be prepared before you visit SEF in the link below.

What are the Necessary Documents to bring when you visit SEF for Artº 88 Nº 2 (23/2007)?

In this way, you can do "Manifestações de Interesse".


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For more information, please contact us.


Raj Don


  1. Very Cool. I like it. I did SEF Entry myself. Thanks a lot.

  2. Please, provide us IRS tutorial.

  3. This is the way we can submit our request to SEF. 👍

  4. What a complete tutorial for the beginner.

  5. Happy that this bullshit is finally not possible anymore.


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