Discover the basket of 46 products with 0% VAT!!

Discover the basket of 46 products with 0% VAT!!

For a period of six months, 46 food items will be tax-free. The list of goods exempt from VAT resulted from the recommendations of the Directorate-General for Health and the products most consumed by families in Portugal, according to the association of distribution companies. The program's total cost will be 640 million euros, of which 140 million will go toward production support.

The zero VAT basket includes the following seven food families:-

Cereals and derivatives,
Dairy products,
Meat, Fish and Eggs,
 Fats and Oils, and
Other products (Outros produtos).

This is the list of 44 products in a basket that will be VAT free
from April to October.

Cereals and derivatives (Cereais e derivados)
Bread (Pão)
Potato (Batata)
Pasta (Massa)
Rice (Arroz)

Vegetables (Hortícolas)
Onion (Cebola)
Tomato (Tomate)
Cauliflower (Couve-Flor)
Lettuce (Alface)
Broccoli (Brócolos)
Carrot (Cenoura)
Courgette (Curgete)
Leek (Alho Francês)
Pumpkin (Abóbora)
Turnip Greens (Grelos)
Portuguese Cabbage (Couve Portuguesa)
Spinach (Espinafres)
Turnip (Nabo)
Peas (Ervilhas)

Fruits (Frutas)
Apple (Maça)
Banana (Banana)
Orange (Laranja)
Pear (Pera)
Melon (Melão)

Legumes (Leguminosas)
Red Bean (Feijão Vermelho)
Black-Eyed Peas (Feijão Frade)
Chickpea (Grão-de-bico)

Dairy products (Laticínios)
Cow Milk (Leite de Vaca)
Yogurts (Iogurtes)
Cheese (Queijo)

Meat, Fish and Eggs (Carne, Pescado e Ovos)
Pork (Carne de Porco)
Chicken (Frango)
Turkey Meat (Carne de Peru)
Beef (Carne de Vaca)
Cod (Bacalhau)
Sardines (Sardinha)
Hake (Pescada)
Horse Mackerel (Carapau)
Glit-head Bream (Dourada)
Mackerel (Cavala)

Fats and Oils (Gorduras e Óleos)
Oil (Azeite)
vegetable Oils (Óleos Vegetais)
Butter (Manteiga)

Other products (Outros produtos)
Canned Tuna (Atum em Conversa)
Chicken Eggs (Ovos de Galinha)
Plant-based Drinks and Yoghurts (Bebidas e Iogurtes de base Vegetal)
Gluten-free products for celiac patients (Produtos sem glúten para doentes celíacos)


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Raj Don


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