What is SAF-T?

What is "SAF-T"?

The SAF-T (Standard Audit for Taxes Purposes) file contains Accounting Data of a Company issued during a given tax period.

The SAF-T file is the XML format of Accounting Data according to the model of the Finance Portal. The IRC taxpayers are required to submit the SAF-T file in Portuguese territory. They have to submit their monthly report to the Tax and Customs Authority by the 12th of the following month to which it relates.

From July of 2017, the audit version of the SAF-T file must be 1.04. That means, the Billing Softwares have to be updated to get the latest version of SAF-T.

Well, the SAF-T file from the previous month should be delivered by the 12th day of this month.
For example, the SAF-T file for the month of March 2020 should be delivered by April 12 of 2020.

The XML format of this file has following data with corresponding attributes:

Company Details
(Commercial Name, Fiscal Name, Finance Number, Address, Postal Code)

Customer Details
(Fiscal Name, Fiscal Number, Address, Postal Code)

Type of Documents
(Fatura Simplificada, Fatura, Fatura Recibo, Recibo, Fatura Pro Forma, Nota de Crédito, Nota de Débito, Guias de Remesa, Guias de Transporte, Orçamentos, Ficha de Serviço, Guias de Consignação, Notas de Encomenda, Consulta de Mesa, Guias de Movimentação de Ativos Próprios, Notas de Devolução)

Product or Service Details
(Product or Service Name, Tax Group, Quantity, Price, Method of Payment)

Apparently, the SAF-T file stores almost all of the information that we register in Billing Programs. All of the invoices, receipts, bills and other documents issued in the period of time get stored in  SAF-T file even if they have been canceled or deleted.

Well, there is a different method to export SAF-T files from Program to Program.
Some methods are shown in the video below.

(TR Rest)

(ETPos 4)

(TR Retail)

(ETPos 5)


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For more information, please contact us.

Raj Don


  1. SAF-T is the file that our Accountant needs, right!?

    1. Your accountant needs that and monthly sales (by amount and by tax) reports.


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