Inventory Communication to AT in 2020

Inventory Communication to AT in 2020


Who is required to Report Inventory of Stocks?


It is mandatory to proceed with the communication of the inventory with the Finances. This obligation applies to entities:


Singular or collective

With organized accounting

Head office, permanent establishment, or tax domicile in Portugal

With a turnover of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) euros in the previous year.


Out-of-stock companies are exempt from reporting inventory. They should just declare this situation on the electronic invoice portal.


What is the delivery time of the stock?


If the tax period coincides with the calendar year, the inventory file must be submitted by January 31 of the following year. In this case, you should report the inventory from 2018 to 01/31/2019.


If the period does not coincide with the calendar year, the inventory must be communicated by the end of the month following the date to which the end of the period refers. For example, if the fiscal period starts on April 30, 2018, the stock must be reported to AT by May 31, 2019.


Failure to meet the deadlines set by the companies will be subject to a fine ranging between 200 (two hundred) and 10,000 (ten thousand) euros.



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Raj Don
